Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
For a real property change finding and CAMA update.
The Western Connecticut Council of Governments (“WestCOG”) has initiated a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process to identify and procure a qualified vendor to use available data, including aerial orthoimagery and LIDAR produced under contract with the State of Connecticut, to identify discrepancies between this remotely-sensed information and municipal property cards, flagging where structures and improvements significantly differ from property card information (values, tables, and sketches), and updating this information with new estimates.
Scope of work
Unless otherwise suggested by the proposer and accepted by WestCOG, the project shall:
- Determine the property card attributes that pertain to the presence and dimensions, and as applicable, any other exterior characteristics, of structures and surfaces (“improvements”) that have a material impact on assessments and may be accurately determined using the flyover data provided by the State of Connecticut and, as needed, any other information sources.
- Use a valid, statistically reliable, and replicable methodology to identify improvements, determine their dimensions, and, as applicable, any other exterior characteristics of them, compare these with CAMA systems to identify discrepancies, and flag property cards where discrepancies exceed one or more significance levels or critical values and would be expected to have an impact on assessed values, providing information about the attributes that are discrepant, current values and best estimates, relevant aerial imagery, and links to the geocoordinates of the property at online viewers such as Google Earth or Bing Maps.
- Produce estimated corrected values for each discrepant attribute, with the option to import or merge in selected or, as desired, all attributes into the respective property card and CAMA system.
- Produce a report with information on project goals, scope, timeline, participants, inputs/methodology/outputs, findings and interpretation, and recommended next steps. The report should enable the projects outputs to be applied, even if all personnel turn over and their successors have no familiarity with the project
- Produce an export for forwarding to a mass revaluation firm
The project shall also address stakeholder and public engagement:
- Include meetings with a project advisory committee of selected COG and municipal staff to inform the project and broader coordination with all assessors in the region
Proposals are due by the end of the application period, Tuesday, September 26th , 2023 at 11:45 PM ET.
A pre-proposal meeting will be held , Wednesday August 30th, 2023 at 2:30 PM ET.
Proposers may submit questions on this RFQ by August 30th, 2023 at 11:45 PM ET
How to apply
Proposals are due by the end of the application period, Tuesday, September 26th , 2023 at 11:45 PM ET. Submissions should be directed to: Mr. Francis R. Pickering, Executive Director at:
Proponents must also submit a completed Organizational Conflict of Interest Statement (COI).
Details Regarding the RFQ can be found in the official RFQ. The Official RFQ, Conflict of Interest Statement, and Pre-Proposal Zoom link can by found by clicking the buttons below.