Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP)

LOTCIP provides state funding for a variety of municipal transportation capital improvements, including: bridge rehabilitation and replacement; road reconstruction; intersection improvements; traffic signals; streetscapes; sidewalks; multi-use trails; and pedestrian bridges.  LOTCIP provides state funding for a variety of municipal transportation capital improvements.  The program is administered cooperatively by the Connecticut DOT and COGs. Eligible project types include:

  • Capital improvements (e.g., road reconstruction; intersection improvements, traffic signals) on roads and streets functionally classified as collectors or arterials.
  • Rehabilitation and replacement of bridges (spans of 20 feet and greater) carrying public roads, regardless of functional class.
  • Improvements for non-motorized transportation, including pedestrian-friendly infrastructure (e.g., sidewalks, pedestrian signals, pedestrian bridges) and multi-use trails, regardless of functional classification.

More information concerning the LOTCIP program is available on the CT DOT web page.