Transportation Studies

Metro-North Railroad New Canaan Branch Noise Pollution Abatement Feasibility Study
The purpose of this Study, which is being conducted by SRF Consulting Group for WestCOG, is to reduce environmental impacts for the residents and businesses around the Branch’s at-grade railway/highway crossings while enhancing safety at these same crossings. The consultants will develop cost-effective approaches to implementing noise reduction measures for the New Canaan Branch that may include quiet zone(s) or other improvements. Initial Study tasks are underway as of February 2023; WestCOG projects that the study will be completed in 2024.
Coming soon:
Stay tuned as to learn more about this Study, opportunities for public involvement, and view presentations and deliverables.
Regional Transportation Safety Plan
The Regional Transportation Safety Plan (RTSP) aims to reduce fatalities and injuries by outlining effective safety countermeasures to reduce potential future crashes. Visit the Regional Transportation Safety Plan Website for more details.
Danbury and New Fairfield Route 37 Corridor Study
This 18-month study is complete. Please visit the study webpage to learn more about this exciting project.
Recent Transportation Studies
See WestCOG’s Publication Page to find supporting reports and historical documents.