Western Connecticut Council of Governments
Public Safety

Public Safety


Regional Firearm Training Facility

The Firearm Training Facility Implementation Plan provides the process to implement a shared training facility …
Public Safety Studies

Public Safety Studies

Two studies were developed to explore options for improved Public Safety Services …
Regional Animal Control

Regional Animal Control

WestCOG, in partnership with RFA llc developed the Regional Animal Control Study to explore existing conditions and provide recommendations informed …

Flood Prevention Zoning Strategies

Flood Prevention Zoning Strategies The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requires local governments to participate in a federal flood prevention …

Public Safety

WestCOG Public Safety Planning efforts includes the creation, maintenance, and implementation of the regional hazard mitigation plans, coordination with DEMHS (State, Regions 1, and Region 5), and studies into public safety regional services.

Hazard Mitigation Plans

WestCOG has published a Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) along with 18 municipal focused HMPs (one for each community) to assess hazards and provide recommendations at the regional and local level. The HMPs are a roadmap to mitigate impacts from natural hazards as well as a bridge for FEMA grant opportunities.

DEMHS Coordination

Through regional partnership WestCOG works with the Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (DEMHS), member communities, and neighboring COGs to prepare and plan for regional emergency response and mitigation efforts. WestCOG falls within two DEMHS planning regions, Region 1 and Region 5 and attends Steering and Full Committee meetings and advocates for its member communities.

Transportation, Emergency Support Function 1 (ESF1). As part of supporting the DEMHS regions, WestCOG coordinates with transportation planners from NHCOG, NVCOG, MetroCOG to develop and strategize transportation planning issues related to emergency management functions across DEMHS Regions 1 & 5.

Public Safety Studies and Reports