Policy Priorities

WestCOG coordinates with member municipalities to define policy priorities.
Legislative Priorities
A list of WestCOG’s legislative priorities can be downloaded in the link below. Also provided is a list of WestCOG’s testimony on a number of house and senate bills.
Testimony for House and Senate Bills
- House Bill 5151, An Act Concerning Solar Licensing Exemptions
- House Bill 5167 An Act Concerning Property Tax Abatement for Certain First-Time Home Buyers
- House Bill 5170 An Act Concerning Extensions of Time for Certain Municipal Commission, Board and Agency Decisions and Training for Inland Wetlands Agencies
- House Bill 5173 An Act Authorizing the Online Publication of Legal Notices by Municipalities.
- House Bill 5174 An Act Concerning Temporary Shelter Units for Persons Experiencing Homelessness Located on Real Property Owned by Religious Organizations
- House bill 5218 An Act Concerning the Establishment of Riparian Buffers and Revision of Certain Inland Wetlands Provisions
- House Bill 5225 An Act Concerning the Recommendations of The Invasive Plants Council.
- House Bill 5273 An Act Concerning Incentives for Transit-Oriented Development
- House Bill 5335 An Act Concerning the Development of Middle Housing
- House Bill 5336 An Act Implementing the Recommendations of the Connecticut Housing and Segregation Study
- House Bill 5337 An Act Concerning Affordable Housing Development Practices
- House Bill 5390 An Act Concerning Transit-Oriented Communities
- House Bill 5391 An Act Establishing the Housing Density Rating Program
- House Bill 5473 An Act Requiring the Majority Leaders’ Roundtable Group on Affordable Housing to Study the Elimination of Municipal Design Review Processes
- House Bill 5475 The Development of Housing and Challenges to Certain Decisions of Municipal Agencies
- House Bill 5477 An Act Concerning Penalties for Blight Upon Real Property, Municipal Agreements to Fix Assessments and a Personal Property Tax Exemption
- House Bill 5478 An Act Concerning the Land Value Taxation Pilot Program and Eligible Community Investment Fund Projects
- Senate Bill 100, An Act Establishing an Account in the General Fund to Provide Grants to Towns That Need PFAS Testing and Remediation.
- Senate Bill 207 An Act Concerning Housing Authority Jurisdiction
- Senate Bill 6 An Act Concerning Housing
- Senate Bill 266 An Act Increasing the Conveyance Tax for Certain Home Sales
- Senate Bill 267 An Act Requiring a Study of the Effects of Short-Term Rentals on the Housing Market of the State
- Senate Bill 269 An Act Reducing the Sales and Use Taxes for Certain Goods Used in New Housing Construction.
- Senate Bill 270 An Act Concerning Tax Credits for the Conversion of Commercial Properties
- Senate Bill 293 An Act Concerning the Conversion of Commercial Real Property to Residential Use
- Senate Bill 298 An Act Requiring Pensions for Police Officers and Firefighters Employed by Municipalities
- Senate Bill 300 An Act Concerning Natural Gas Capacity and The Renewable Portfolio Standard
- Senate Bill 301 An Act Concerning Energy Efficiency Standards and Grants for Retrofitting Projects
- Senate Bill 333 An Act Concerning Local Charter Revisions
- Senate Bill 334 An Act Requiring Pensions for Police Officers and Firefighters Employed by Municipalities
- Senate Bill 416 An Act Concerning the Conversion of Commercial Real Property to Residential Use
- Senate Bill 422 An Act Concerning Firefighter Recruitment and Retention
Options to Grow Federal Grants
A presentation on how to eliminate self imposed barriers to bring more federal resources into Connecticut.
Comments on Proposed Rules and Environmental Documents
- Comments on Central Business District Tolling Program Environmental Assessment of the Metropolitan Transit Authority .