Metro North Railroad New Canaan Branch Noise Abatement Feasibility Study – Fall 2024 Update
A Public Information Meeting to release the final Study was held on October 1, 2024 at the Harry Bennett Branch Library in Stamford. WestCOG staff and its consultant team (SRF Consulting Group) presented an overview of the transportation planning process; SRF’s analysis of the Branch Line, and recommended potential grade crossing improvements, followed by a question and comment session.
Contact Todd Fontanella at WestCOG, (475) 323-2076 or tfontanella@westcog.org for additional information.

Metro North Railroad New Canaan Branch Noise Abatement Feasibility Study – Fall 2024 Update
A Public Information Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the
Harry Bennett Branch Library, 115 Vine Road, Stamford, CT 06905. WestCOG’s consultant team will present its analysis and identify potential improvements to the Branch line The presentation will be followed by a question and answer session. The public is invited to attend. Contact Todd Fontanella at WestCOG, (475) 323-2076 or tfontanella@westcog.org with any questions.
Metro North New Canaan Branch Railroad Noise Abatement Feasibility Study Survey concluded on September 15th 2023
WestCOG released a survey to get the public’s input on train horn noise attributable to the operation of the Metro-North Railroad’s New Canaan Branch. The survey was available to September 15th, 2023. Thank you for taking the community survey. We received more than 760 responses and lots of helpful community feedback. We have prepared a summary of the survey results that is now available to view. We will also look to provide additional opportunities for public input in early 2024.
The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this survey are those of the participants and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the Western Connecticut Council of Governments.
Please contact Todd Fontanella at: 475-323-2076 or tfontanella@westcog.org with any questions.
Metro-North Railroad New Canaan Branch Noise Pollution Abatement Study
Railroad noise, from numerous sources, is an issue that has always been present in communities near railroad facilities. While the advancement of rail technology has contributed to a reduction in noise of passenger train cars, mandated federal horn sounding safety rules have led to an actual increase in both average sound levels and peak sound intensities in Western Connecticut. The municipalities of Stamford, New Canaan, and Darien have sought consultant assistance with the preparation of a study that could lead to at-grade crossings safety improvements at crossings along the Metro North Railroad’s New Canaan Branch.

In 2022 the Western Connecticut of Governments (WestCOG) conducted a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process to obtain planning and engineering services for a Noise Pollution Abatement Feasibility Study to be undertaken for certain railroad crossings along the Metro-North Railroad’s New Canaan Branch. WestCOG’s consultant will prepare a study to determine a cost-effective approach to implementing noise reduction measures, quiet zones(s) or other methods along the New Canaan Branch Line of the Metro-North Railroad. The goal of the study is to reduce the environmental impacts for the residents and businesses around crossings while also improving the safety of all users at the railway-highway grade crossings.

WestCOG has secured the services of SRF Consulting Group to perform this study. SRF has extensive experience with railroad noise and quiet zone studies and will lead this effort at WestCOG’s direction in cooperation with affected communities and federal, state and local transportation officials. Initial work on this Study began in early 2023 and the project team is engaged in the information collection phase. Public participation in this Study will be published soon; dates/times and location of public participation opportunities will be posted here and circulated following WestCOG’s Public Involvement Plan.
Contact Todd Fontanella at WestCOG, (475) 323-2076 or tfontanella@westcog.org for additional information.