Western Connecticut Council of Governments
Data Campaign  

Data Campaign  

WestCOG Data Campaign

Each Spring WestCOG launches a Data Campaign to collect the latest in planning data from its member municipalities in one shot. Collected datasets are then processed and standardized for the extent of the region and made publicly available (with exceptions to sensitive datasets) in WestCOG’s Map Viewer and DataHub.
Questions? Contact Nick Trabka at ntrabka@westcog.org.


Property data collected as part of the annual requirement set by CGS Sec. 7-100l

Provider. Assessor or GIS Professional
Deadline. May 1st
Format. State CAMA Report Standard (tutorial provided)
Reporting. WestCOG is required to report on the status of collected data to OPM by July1st, 2024.
Submission Process. Upload file and meta data through the WestCOG CAMA Data Submission Site.


Parcel GIS data collected as part of the annual requirement set by CGS Sec. 7-100l. If your community does not maintain a GIS Parcel Data set. WestCOG will defer to its oldest parcel data set we have on file.

Provider. Assessor or GIS Professional
Deadline. May 1st
Format. GIS File. Access to a CAMA Join field field preferred.
Reporting. WestCOG is required to report on the status of collected data to OPM by July1st, 2024.
Submission Process. Upload file and meta data through the WestCOG CAMA Data Submission Site.


At the request of our municipal elected officials, WestCOG has developed a Regional Fee Inventory. This inventory includes most fees collected within the region and is updated annually by sending reports out for review. 

The current version of the Fee Inventory is available on the WestCOG website at https://westcog.org/regional-services/fees/. Please review the entries for your department/municipality and contact Tucker Beckett at tbeckett@westcog.org regarding any corrections, updates, or suggestions for improvement. 


Provider. Land Trusts, Planners
Deadline. May 1st
Format. State Trail Standard
Submission Process. Trail data can be provided to Tucker Beckett at tbeckett@westcog.org.
Special. Trail Data available to view at CTtrailFinder.com


WestCOG is kicking off a project to map stormwater systems in our member municipalities in compliance with the MS4 https://portal.ct.gov/DEEP/Water-Regulating-and-Discharges/Stormwater/Municipal-Stormwater. Any data already mapped in GIS is appreciated. 


WestCOG is requesting most up to date zoning data in GIS or map form. We collected zoning data for creation of our Plan Of Conservation and Development https://westcog.org/regional-planning/pocd/.  We would ask for any updates to be sent to ntrabka@westcog.org.