What is a COG?
Connecticut is divided into planning regions, which are first-level political subdivisions of the state. Each planning region is served by a regional Council of Governments (COG) that brings together the Chief Elected Officials (CEOs, or mayors and first selectmen) of the municipalities in the region to discuss matters of mutual interest and to address shared problems. These persons comprise the COG’s governing board and collectively determine the activities the COG will cay out. (When the voters in a municipality elect a mayor or first selectman, they are also electing that person to represent them on the COG.)
Deliberations of the COG are conducted at regular, public meetings. A schedule of and materials for WestCOG’s meetings can be found here. Persons wishing to communicate with the COG are invited to do so through their CEO and/or during comment periods at COG meetings.
A map of Connecticut’s regions, with links to their respective COGs, is below.