WestCOG is holding Focus Groups to hear from business owners and stakeholders in the region about the strengths and weaknesses they see in the region’s economy. They are particularly interested in the barriers businesses in the region face. What is holding businesses back? What can be improved to help businesses?
Feedback from the Focus Groups will be used in the creation of a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). Once complete, the CEDS will facilitate continued economic development in the region for the next five years. Input from the business community is key to the creation of this plan.
The schedule of Focus Groups with descriptions is below. All meetings are free and open to the public. Please register here.
If you cannot make it to one the Focus Groups, please give your feedback through our Business Owner Survey. The survey only takes about 15 minutes to finish. The survey in English can be accessed here. A version in Spanish can be accessed here.
Schedule of Focus Groups
Real Estate
February 15, 12pm, Comstock Community Center, Wilton
Moderator: Harold Kurfehs, Vice President, Coldwell Banker Commercial
This focus group will explore the challenges and opportunities faced by commercial brokers and developers in the region. Permitting processes, marketing, resources, and amenities will be some of the many topics discussed.
Small Business I
February 22, 7:30 am, Sacred Heart University, Stamford
Moderator: Tom Long, V.P. Communications & Development, The WorkPlace
This focus group will explore the challenges and opportunities faced by small businesses (less than 25 employees) in the region. Permitting processes, workforce, resources, and growth will be some of the many topics discussed.
For directions and parking, click here.
Advanced Manufacturing
February 27, 11:30am, Comstock Community Center, Wilton
Moderator: Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic Development, City of Norwalk
This focus group will explore the challenges and opportunities faced by the Advanced Manufacturing industry in the region. Workforce, training, and resources will be some of the many topics discussed.
Small Business II
March 7, 8:30 am, Greater Danbury Chamber of Commerce
Moderator: Harold Kurfehs, Vice President, Coldwell Banker Commercial & Lisa Scails, Executive Director of Cultural Alliance of Western CT
This focus group will explore the challenges and opportunities faced by small businesses (less than 25 employees) in the region. Permitting processes, workforce, resources, and growth will be some of the many topics discussed.
March 14 MARCH 24, 12pm, Sacred Heart University, Stamford
Moderator: Thomas Madden, Director of Economic Development, City of Stamford
This focus group will explore the challenges and opportunities faced by the emerging FinTech industry in the region. Workforce, resources, training, and growth will be some of the many topics discussed.
For directions and parking, click here.
Healthcare Tech.
March 22, MARCH 24 12pm, Comstock Community Center, Wilton Sacred Heart University, Stamford
Moderator: Valeria Bisceglia, Business Adviser, Connecticut Small Business Development Center
This focus group will explore the challenges and opportunities faced by the emerging Tech industry in the region. Workforce, resources, training, and growth will be some of the many topics discussed.
For directions and parking, click here.
Creative Economy
March 23, 12pm, Comstock Community Center, Wilton
Moderator: Jackie Lightfield, Executive Director, Stamford Partnership & Lisa Scails, Executive Director of Cultural Alliance of Western CT
This focus group will explore the challenges and opportunities faced by the creative sector in the region, including digital media, creative arts, graphic design, marketing, sports/ entertainment production, etc. Barriers, growth, supply chain, and distribution will be some of the many topics discussed.
All meetings are free and open to the public. Please register here.