Foundational Plans & Programs
Transportation Improvement Programs
The TIP is a financially-constrained list of all highway and public transit projects proposed to be undertaken utilizing federal funding, requiring federal approval, or of regional significance over a four year period in each MPO region.
Metropolitan Transportation Plan
Two metropolitan transportation plans, one for the SWRMPO area and one for the HVMPO area, make recommendations for improvements to transportation facilities and services. Updated every four years, the MTP seeks to lay out investments and strategies to improve mobility in the region. The Transportation Improvement Programs above select projects from these plans to be funded.
Unified Planning Work Program
A Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) is a required document outlining transportation planning activities performed in accordance with United States Code (23 CFR Part 450.308). The work program serves as a guide to develop and advance the implementation of plans, programs, and projects that seek to address the eight planning factors identified in §450.306(a)). Such factors include, but are not limited to: preserving and improving the transportation system, enhancing mobility and connectivity, supporting economic vitality, safety and security, as well as environmental considerations.
Public Participation Plan
The Title VI Civil Rights & Public Participation Plan: A requirement for receipt of federal transportation planning and project funds in urban areas is the continuing operation therein of a regional Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). The purpose of this document is to provide a Title VI Civil Rights and Public Participation Plan for the two MPOs within the boundary of the Western CT Council of Governments (WestCOG).
Opportunities for public involvement are a cornerstone of the transportation planning process that WestCOG takes very seriously.