Route 1 (Connecticut Avenue & Van Buren Avenue) Corridor Master Plan Study

The Western Connecticut Council of Governments (WestCOG) invites Statements of Qualification from consultants and/or firms with experience in transportation planning, transportation engineering, transit, land use and public involvement.

WestCOG has received funding from the Federal Highway Administration and Connecticut Department of Transportation to prepare a corridor study of a section of Route 1 between Connecticut Avenue and Van Buren Avenue in the City of Norwalk. The study area involves the 2.9 mile corridor of Connecticut Avenue (US Route 1) and Van Buren Avenue (US Route 1) and extends to the parallel running roads of Flax Hill Avenue and West Cedar Street located in the City of Norwalk. The corridor starts at the intersection of Connecticut Avenue and West Norwalk Road and continues northeasterly to the intersection of Van Buren Avenue, Riverside Avenue, Belden Avenue, and Spring Hill Avenue. It is important for the vendor to consider all the approaches to Route 1; specifically, the intersecting corridors, roadways, and adjacent I-95 exit on/off ramp locations. Traffic volume and count data will be necessary for this larger study area. The corridor serves as a vital, alternative east-west route. Incident management along the highway significantly impacts operations within the corridor.

Route 1 is a regional retail and commercial destination.  The corridor serves not only as a major employer, but as the primary access to Norwalk Community College- a city asset. The City of Norwalk has completed their Transportation Master Plan to guide policy and investment over the next 10 to 20 years. This plan, along with the recently completed sidewalk audit, should serve as a starting point for this study. Additionally, the City is adopting a safe system approach to address roadway safety and ultimately work toward the adoption of a Vision Zero strategy and Complete Streets Ordinance, Policy, Design, and Implementation Guide.

WestCOG will accept complete Statements of Qualification, by mail or in person, until 12:00pm ET on July 28, 2023.  Respondents must submit one (1) original and four (4) hard copies and one (1) digital PDF copy on a flash drive or CD of their Statements of Qualification to:

Cricket Carpenter
Office Manager
Western Connecticut Council of Governments
1 Riverside Road
Sandy Hook, CT  06482

Details Regarding the RFQ can be found in the official RFQ.  The Official RFQ can by found by clicking the button below.

Proponents must also submit a completed Organizational Conflict of Interest Statement.  A link to the Statement is provided: