CTDOT Active Transportation Microgrants Program
CTDOT Active Transportation Microgrants Program

CTDOT Active Transportation Microgrants Program

CTDOT Active Transportation Microgrants Program

The CTDOT Active Transportation Microgrants Program is open for submissions on a quarterly basis. Schools, school districts, municipalities, and 501(c)(3) nonprofits are eligible for up to two, $5,000 grants a year for projects that support walking, biking, and rolling in Connecticut.

Hold a bicycle or pedestrian safety workshop, purchase bicycles (and helmets!) for a physical education class, or hold a bicycle maintenance training at the community center.  The application should take no more than 15-30 minutes to complete and there are no matching requirements from the eligible applicant. The application, program guidelines, and information on other eligible activities can be found on CTDOT’s website.

Send completed applications to Kristin Hadjstylianos at khadjstylianos@westcog.org by Friday, December 13th for submission this quarter.