South Western Region Metropolitan Planning Organization

The South Western Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is the federally mandated organization designated by the Governor as the forum for cooperative transportation decision-making.

Voting Members

Chairman: Toni Boucher, First Selectman, Town of Wilton
Vice Chair: Jon Zagrodzky First Selectman, Town of Darien
Fred Camillo, First Selectman, Town of Greenwich
Harry Rilling, Mayor, City of Norwalk
Caroline Simmons, Mayor, City of Stamford
Dionna Carlson First Selectman Town of New Canaan
Jennifer Tooker First Selectman, Town of Westport
Samantha Nestor, First Selectman, Town of Weston
Matt Pentz, CEO, Norwalk Transit District* and Barry Diggs, Director of Rapid Transit & Zero Emissions Programs at CTransit *and MPO Transit Representatives each having one-half a vote
*NTD, as MPO Transit Representative, serves to support and advocate for all transit interests in the region

Agendas & Minutes

Minutes provide a detailed summary of the actions taken at meetings of the South Western Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (SWRMPO). Minutes must be approved by the pertinent board before they are posted here.
The draft minutes of SWRMPO meetings will be available to the public in WestCOG’s office within seven days of a meeting. Please visit WestCOG’s office to obtain voting summaries.

To receive meeting agendas in your inbox, sign up here.

Meeting Date Document Agenda
02-20-2015 Minutes
03-19-2015 Minutes
04-16-2015 MinutesAgenda
05-21-2015 Minutes
06-25-2015 Minutes
07-16-2015 MinutesAgenda
08-20-2015 MinutesAgenda
10-22-2015 MinutesAgenda
11-19-2015 MinutesAgenda
12-17-2015 MinutesAgenda and Packet
01-21-2016 MinutesPacket
02-18-2016 MinutesAgenda
03-17-2016 MinutesPacket
04-21-2016 MinutesAgenda
05-19-2016 MinutesAgenda
06-16-2016 MinutesAgenda
07-21-2016 MinutesAgenda
08-12-2016 MinutesAgenda
10-20-2016 MinutesAgenda
11-17-2016 MinutesAgenda
12-15-2016 MinutesAgenda
01-23-2017 MinutesCOG/MPO Agenda
02-23-2017 MinutesMPO Agenda
03-16-2017 MinutesMPO Agenda
04-20-2017 MinutesMPO Agenda
05-18-2017 MinutesMPO Agenda
06-15-2017 MinutesAmended MPO Agenda
07-20-2017 Canceled Canceled
08-17-2017 MinutesMPO Agenda
10-05-2017 MinutesMPO Agenda
11-16-2017 MinutesMPO Agenda
12-14-2017 MinutesMPO Agenda
01-18-2018 MinutesMPO Agenda
02-15-2018 MinutesMPO Agenda
03-15-2018 MinutesMPO Agenda
04-19-2018 MinutesMPO Agenda
05-17-2018 Canceled Canceled
05-22-2018 MinutesMPO Agenda
06-21-2018 MinutesMPO Agenda
07-19-2018 MinutesMPO Agenda
08-16-2018 MinutesMPO Agenda
09-27-2018 Canceled Canceled
10-18-2018 MinutesMPO Agenda
11-15-2018 MinutesMPO Agenda
12-13-2018 MinutesMPO Agenda
01-17-2019 MinutesMPO Agenda
02-28-2019 MinutesMPO Agenda
03-21-2019 MinutesMPO Agenda
04-18-2019 MinutesMPO Agenda
05-16-2019 MinutesMPO Agenda
06-25-2019 MinutesMPO Agenda
07-19-2019 MinutesMPO Agenda
08-15-2019 Cancelled Cancelled
09-19-2019 MinutesMPO Agenda
10-17-2019 Minutes MPO Agenda
11-21-2019 Cancelled
12-19-2019 Minutes MPO Agenda
01-16-2020 Minutes MPO Agenda
02-13-2020 Minutes MPO Agenda
03-19-2020 Minutes MPO Agenda
04-23-2020 Minutes MPO Agenda
05-21-2020 Minutes MPO Agenda
06-18-2020 Minutes MPO Agenda
07-23-2020 MPO Meeting - Canceled
08-20-2020 MinutesMPO Agenda
09-17-2020 MinutesMPO Agenda
10-15-2020 MinutesMPO Agenda
11-19-2020 MinutesMPO Agenda
12-17-2020 MinutesMPO Agenda
01-21-2021 MinutesMPO Agenda
02-18-2021 MinutesMPO Agenda
03-18-2021 Minutes MPO Agenda
04-22-2021 Minutes MPO Agenda
05-20-2021 Minutes MPO Agenda
06-17-2021 Minutes MPO Agenda
08-19-2021 Minutes MPO Agenda
09-23-2021 Minutes MPO Agenda
10-21-2021 Minutes MPO Agenda
11-18-2021 Minutes MPO Agenda
12-15-2021 Minutes MPO Agenda
01-20-2022 Minutes MPO Agenda
02-17-2022 Minutes MPO Agenda
03-17-2022 Minutes MPO Agenda
04-21-2022 Minutes MPO Agenda
05-31-2022 Minutes MPO Agenda
06-16-2022 Minutes MPO Agenda
07-21-2022 Minutes MPO Agenda
08-18-2022 Minutes MPO Agenda
09-22-2022 Minutes MPO Agenda
10-20-2022 Minutes MPO Agenda
11-30-2022 Minutes MPO Agenda
12-15-2022 Minutes MPO Agenda
01-19-2023 Minutes MPO Agenda
02-16-2023 Minutes MPO Agenda
03-16-2023 Minutes MPO Agenda
04-27-2023 Minutes MPO Agenda
05-18-2023 Minutes MPO Agenda
06-15-2023 Minutes MPO Agenda
07-20-2023 Minutes MPO Agenda
09-21-2023 MPO Packet
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*Compliance with: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act of
1990 (ADA), Executive Order 13166 “Improving Access to Services for persons with Limited English Proficiency and Executive Order 12898 “Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations”

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SWRMPO Certification Review 2022

Every four years, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) must certify that South Western Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (SWRMPO) is carrying out the metropolitan planning process in adherence with federal statutes and regulations under 23 U.S.C. 134 and 49 U.S.C. 5303.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) will conduct a joint review of SWRMPO’s metropolitan planning process. As part of this review, there will be an opportunity for public comment on April 12, 2022 during the Technical Advisory Group meeting which begins at 11:00 am.

To register for virtual attendance, please visit: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-K0-BBPoQCGnCHOiLfeXmw

For TAG meeting agenda and information, please visit: https://westcog.org/meetings/tag/

Written comments may also be submitted until April 22, 2022 to:

FHWA, Jennifer Carrier, Transportation Planner
Email. jennifer.carrier@dot.gov
Mail. c/o FHWA Connecticut Division, 450 Main Street, Suite 612; Hartford, CT 06103

FTA, Leah Sirmin, Community Planner
Email. leah.sirmin@dot.gov
Mail. c/o Federal Transit Administration, Region 1, 55 Broadway, Suite 920; Cambridge, MA 02142

Please see the Certification Review Flyer for more details on the review process and how to provide feedback on SWRMPO’s transportation planning program.