Western Connecticut Council of Governments
Regional Transit Study

Regional Transit Study

Regional Transit Study


Southwestern Connecticut is served by three transit agencies providing fixed route, paratransit and other bus services to one of three cities and surrounding areas in the region. Due to close proximity of these urban centers, and neighboring region’s urban centers, many of the region’s residents and workers travel across transit operating boundaries for work and other critical destinations, such as, healthcare, education, job training centers, and recreation. The Western Connecticut Council of Governments, in partnership with the Housatonic Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization, South Western Region Metropolitan Planning Organization, Norwalk Transit District, CTtransit Stamford Division, and Housatonic Area Regional Transit, are conducting a coordinated planning effort to identify these barriers and provide solutions to efficiently and affordably access destinations beyond each of the transit operators boundaries.  This Study is being funded by USDOT through the Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods – Neighborhood Access and Equity (RCN-NAE) Program. 

Projected Study Schedule:

January 2025-January 2027

Staff Contact

For additional information on the Study, contact Todd Fontanella @ WestCOG, (475) 323-2076 or by email at tfontanella@westcog.org