Housatonic Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization
The Housatonic Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (HVMPO) is the federally mandated organization designated by the Governor as the forum for cooperative transportation decision-making.
Voting Members
Chairman: Julia Pemberton First Selectwoman, Town of Redding
Vice Chairman: Dan Carter, First Selectman, Town of Bethel
Curtis Read, First Selectman, Town of Bridgewater
Steve Dunn, First Selectman, Town of Brookfield
Roberto Alves Mayor, City of Danbury
Peter Bass, Mayor, Town of New Milford
Melissa Lindsey, First Selectman, Town of New Fairfield
Jeff Capeci, First Selectman, Town of Newtown
Don Lowe, First Selectman, Town of Sherman
Richard Schreiner, HARTransit
Meetings & Minutes
Minutes provide a detailed summary of the actions taken at meetings of the Housatonic Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (HVMPO). Minutes must be approved by the pertinent board before they are posted here.
The draft minutes of HVMPO meetings will be available to the public in WestCOG’s office within seven days of a meeting. Please visit WestCOG’s office to obtain voting summaries.
Copies of the agendas and minutes are provided in Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF). If you do not have Acrobat Reader, you can download this FREE software from Adobe. You may then view or print the document.
To receive meeting agendas in your inbox, sign up here.
*Compliance with: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act of
1990 (ADA), Executive Order 13166 “Improving Access to Services for persons with Limited English Proficiency and Executive Order 12898 “Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations”