Traffic Calming and Complete Streets Best Practices Toolbox
This project is intended to result in development of a Toolbox of planning principles and precepts for residential streets and local roads that reflects best practices. The Toolbox will apply to lower-speed (less than 40 mph) roads, streets functionally classified as “local” and will be based on consideration of safety and mobility of all users (i.e., motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, emergency responders), as well as environmental sustainability, economy of construction and maintenance, community cohesion, land use, and utility accommodation. Thus, the Toolbox and planning best practices will reflect and be consistent with principles and recommendations for Complete Streets.
The study started in September 2024 and is scheduled for completion in September 2025.
Staff Contact
For information concerning the study, please contact Mike Wilson at WestCOG, 475-323-2074 or by e-mail at