Western Connecticut Council of Governments
Regional Planning

Regional Planning

Regional Planning

Plan of Conservation and Development

The 2020-2030 Western Connecticut Regional Plan of Conservation and Development was prepared in compliance with Section 8-35a of the Connecticut General Statutes.  More information can be found on the plan page.

Land Use Referrals

State law requires municipal planning and zoning commissions to forward many proposed land use decisions to one or more regional Councils of Governments (COGs) for review through a process called “referral.” More information and instruction is provided in the referrals guidance page.

Housing & Demographics

WestCOG has been busy studying housing and demographics in the region lately and in response to this has created a dedicated webpage to showcase the findings and studies in this topical area.

Land Use Planning for Wireless Telecommunications Task Force

WestCOG is working with its member municipalities to create a coordinated land use development strategy that addresses the elements of wireless telecommunications that fall within a municipality’s jurisdiction.  Resources and task force developments can be found on the task force web page.

Regional Viewer

The Regional Viewer showcases WestCOG regional datasets which includes parcel, assessor, transportation, landuse, environmental, and topographical data. Learn more on WestCOG Regional Viewer Information Page.

Public Safety Study

A five town study (Weston, Wilton, New Canaan, Redding, Ridgefield) was completed for WestCOG reviewing opportunities to find efficiency, savings, and service improvements through rationalization. The study reviewed a variety of potential topics such as PSAP/Dispatch, Data Management, Property and Evidence, Intake/Detention/Lockup, and Training Facilities.

Winter Maintenance Study 

WestCOG, in cooperation with each member municipality, completed a winter maintenance study in September 2018. The focus of this study was to determine potential efficiencies in snowstorm response methods, to provide municipalities with guidance in the best management practices of salt and chlorine products and to develop snowstorm response planning and operations guides. The reports produced from this study can be found on our publications page here and here