Regional Data Science Services
WestCOG provides a suite of data services from data collections to GIS mapping.
Municipal Mapping Services
WestCOG provides limited GIS services for individual member communities. Opportunities can , and extensive services for regional efforts. Limited municipal services include:
- Technical Support to figure out mapping needs. Unlimited access based on staff availability.
- Up to three basic maps (displaying and visualizing data). With 1 round of edit requests for each map.
- A single basic GIS analysis, with a single round of edits. Basic analysis includes up to three forms of analytical tools applied.
- Project scopes can be greatly expanded if the effort includes more than one community and with support from respective elected officials.
Regional Data Collection
Each April WestCOG pushes out its annual Data Collection Campaign to collect the latest municipal datasets and to ensure that existing data is up to date and authoritative. This data is processed, standardized, and redistributed at a regional scale and for public consumption through our data distributions page or map viewer. Currently WestCOG collects the following data.
Parcel Data. Property boundaries and polygon data. Collected under state mandate.
CAMA Data. Property information (lot size, # buildings, etc.) developed by assessors. Collected under state mandate.
Zoning Data. An inventory of zoning codes displayed geographically.
Open Space Data. Collection of undeveloped properties and their protection status (including unprotected).
Fee Schedule. Includes all known fees by municipality. Developed this year, still under construction.
Regional Map Viewer
WestCOG’s Regional Map Viewer is a web based platform to view parcel and assessor data within the region providing a host of benefits.
Easy Access: A single resource for users to view multiple communities worth of parcel data across town boundaries.
Abutter Tools. Allows identification of abutting properties based on a number of tools. Selected properties can be used develop mailing lists.
Market of Options: Communities can utilize the regional viewer without having to fund their own hosting service.