Regarding their regional transportation plans and transportation capital improvement programs, the Housatonic Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (HVMPO) and the South Western Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (SWRMPO) are required to submit Air Quality Conformity Statements to the US Federal Highway Administration and to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Two technical analyses of transportation plans and programs are required to enable a positive determination of air quality conformity. To assist the Connecticut Department of Transportation has prepared the two technical analyses on behalf of HVMPO and SWRMPO.
The two organizations will consider approval those analyses, and propose to make positive air quality conformity determinations, at their meeting on November 17, 2016. The two documents, entitled September 2016 Ozone Air Quality Conformity Determination and September 2016 Particulate Matter Air Quality Conformity Determination are being made available for public review prior to that meeting.
Access to hard copies of the two Conformity Determinations is available at the WestCOG office 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday thru Friday, evenings by appointment, or leave your name and address and we will send you a copy by surface mail. Internet access to a digital copy of the Draft Plan is available here.