Wetlands Administration Report
WestCOG has published a Wetlands Administration Report titled “An Investigation of Inland Wetlands Commission Practices in Connecticut: Findings, Recommendations, and Best Practices.” The purpose of the report is to ensure that administrative and regulatory procedures adopted in municipalities are consistent with the goal of protecting the state’s inland wetlands. Despite having one of the earliest wetland protection programs in the United States, Connecticut has continued to lose thousands of acres of wetland resources over the last fifty years.
The reports reviews inland wetland ordinances, regulations, and commission meeting minutes for sixty municipalities in Connecticut to determine current practices. The results of this investigation provides insights wetlands commission’s approval procedures, training requirements, the role of the inland wetland agent, wetland enforcement practices, meeting management practices, and the procedures for selecting volunteer commission members. The report also provides a variety of strategies to improve wetland management in Connecticut.
Questions and comments on the report can be sent to Charles Vidich at cvidich@westcog.org.

Published 8/09/2023