The Draft 2020-2030 Western Connecticut Regional Plan of Conservation and Development is now available for public comment. You can find the plan and more information …
The Draft 2020-2030 Western Connecticut Regional Plan of Conservation and Development is now available for public comment. You can find the plan and more information …
AECOM was engaged by WestCOG to evaluate parking supply and demand for train stations in municipalities within the South Western Region MPO, including the Danbury …
CEDS Annual Reports The WCEDD is required to report annual activity towards implementing efforts outlined in its Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). The CEDS then …
A draft of the WestCOG Region’s first Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) is now available for public comment.
The Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for the Region is taking shape, and the economic development project solicitation has begun. We are asking for contributions to …
WestCOG is holding Focus Groups to hear from business owners and stakeholders in the region about the strengths and weaknesses they see in the region’s …
WestCOG is preparing a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) that will guide our region’s economic development efforts over the next five years. Input from the region’s …
WestCOG has hired Betsy Paynter to serve as a Project Manager. Betsy will provide technical support for communities to get the most out of the …